Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Spencer and Solids!

We waited very patiently for Spencer's stomach bug to pass and when it did we introduced solids to him for the very first time on August 17th!! We started with rice cereal and as you can imagine it did not go over so well. Who really likes rice cereal?

It took about a week of trying before Spencer really got the hang of opening his mouth and swallowing the food. But, almost 10 days later, we are on a roll and have successfully moved on to bananas! Today we are trying sweet potatoes. I also got some squash from the farmers market that I plan on making tonight and that will be our next veggie we try! So much fun! I can't believe our little guy is eating solids already!

All of our ingredients ready to go!

Yummy rice cereal...NOT
Spencer and Mia waiting patiently as we prepare everything
All Ready !!!
Maybe I will just snack on my bib :-)
First spoon full!
Please don't make me do it again :-)
Uh, I am not so sure about this!


We are all done already?

Very Proud of his 1st attempt eating solids :-)

And Just 10 Days Later....Yummy! Our only problem now is we can't give it to him fast enough! Here's to hoping he likes all foods as much as bananas!