Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, August 16, 2010

Jazzercise + Weight Watchers = Weight Loss?

That's the hope! The baby weight is gone, but boy do I still have a long way to go.

After many failed attempts to start dieting and exercise in previous weeks, I have finally buckled down as it has gotten to the point where I can't even see pictures of myself. Not good!

The solution: Jazzercise and Weight Watchers. This is my 3rd week of Jazzercise and I must say I am surprised at how much it kicks my butt! Kelly and I go every morning and having a buddy to encourage you and hold you accountable each day makes all the difference. On those mornings when you feel like rolling back over and sleeping a bit longer, you are quickly reminded that you have someone waiting for you at class. Best motivation by far! Not to mention a 60 minute Jazzercise class based on my weight burns almost 600 calories! What a great way to start the day!

This is my second week of Weight Watchers. It's going on okay but I need to be A LOT better. I know their program works so I just need to follow it and I should be on the road to shedding these pounds. The exercise alone has definitely helped shed a few quick pounds but my diet has definitely got to be better.

My short term goal is to look halfway decent for Spencer's 6 month pictures. I really want to be in a few shots with him and not hate the way I look. Longer term goal is to shed this weight in hopes of beating by half marathon time in January. We are scheduled to run the Disney Half again and I would love to get a PR. I can only hope that shedding the extra pounds and training extra hard will help me reach that goal.

I figure blogging about my efforts will also keep me somewhat accountable...I don't want to fail and would love to share posts as I get closer to my goals.

Wish me luck! I have a long road ahead but ya gotta start somewhere :-)

1 comment:

  1. I'm so impressed!! Half marathon in January and hopes of a PR?! You can totally do it!! I'll be your sideline cheerleader while you train! :) Go Shari!!!

    PS... You look great so don't be so hard on yourself!
