Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Sunday, April 25, 2010

7 weeks: I Have Officially Retired

Another fantastic week watching our little man grow! So, what's Spencer doing now?

  • Sleeping through the night from 10pm-6am
  • Starting to rub his eyes when he is tired (love this)
  • Smiling tons!-before it was hard to tell if it was a real smile or just gas :-)
  • Increasing his formula! We are up to 5oz!
  • Learning how to whine along with perfecting that little pout
  • Officially out of newborn clothes (except some pants) and even some of the 0-3 month things are getting a little snug
  • Making baby bubbles with his mouth
  • Lifting his head on his own for longer periods of time. Tummy time is becoming more and more fun!

We had another jammed packed week of walks, play dates, and fun! But, with all the fun being had, big decisions had to be finalized finalized at the Gordon Household this week. With my maternity leave due to end in two weeks, I have made the decision to officially resign from my job as a Field Service Rep and 10+years in the orthopedic field and have accepted a full time position as "Mommy".
For any of my co-workers at DJO reading this blog, I hope you understand this was the hardest decision I have made in quite some time and I appreciate all your support. And, for anyone, like me, who has worked since the age of 13 and spent years supporting themselves, I know you will share in the uneasiness but happiness I feel right now. The concept of having no personal income is foreign to me and moving from a 2 to 1 income household will change our lifestyle considerably but it is certainly worth it as nothing will compare to raising our little boy.
I once read that asking a women to decide on her post baby plans before she delivers is like asking you to chose your college major in grade school- a lot can change in a few short months. This statement could not be closer to the truth. Being a "stay-at-home mom" is not for everyone. However, for many reasons, this was the best decision for our family and I am looking forward to embarking on a new adventure. Being a "mommy" is no easy job but I am looking forward to the challenge :-)

A week in review :

Meeting my friend Dylan for the first time! We are 3 weeks apart!

Playtime is a MUST!

Meeting little Addison for the first time!

All smiles at our picnic

Catching some rays with all of my new friends

Getting "So Big"


  1. I totally understand how hard of a decision it is to make. It's emotionally, mentally, and financially hard. I hope you love being a stay at home mom. I went back part time for a little while before resigning. You can't get this time with them back.

  2. Congratulations Shari! I had no idea you worked for DJO. I work for a DJO distributor in Stl as a clinic tech.

    Good luck on your new adventure. I envy you!
