This week Spencer is 5 weeks old! So, whats going on this week? We have had a much deserved, low key week!
Our boy is growing like a weed and he now weighs approx. 9lbs 13oz. He is getting stronger by the day- lifting his head and turning it from side to side, and finding his voice more and more.
I was able to get over my guilt about switching to formula and after 5 weeks we have officially weaned onto formula (for many reasons which I will not publicly blog about). This was the first of many hard decisions for me at as mommy but it is probably best for Spencer and myself! Thanks to all the moms who helped me feel okay with my decision! You know who you are!
We have been loving the beautiful weather in Atlanta and have been taking advantage with walks in our neighborhood everyday except yesterday because the pollen was just way too bad!
I think the only downer this week is that we think Spencer is developing a mild form of reflux which bought us a trip to the pediatrician. This is very common in infants so I am not concerned thus far but we did start to try some medicine last night to see if we can give him some relief. Poor little guy. It is so sad to seem him in discomfort during feeding time. Our hope is that the medicine works and he goes back to his happy self very soon! So far, great results!
Spencer and I celebrated 5 weeks with attending our first playgroup with LB and baby Marin. LB invited me back to her playgroup that she takes Marin to. I had gone with her the week before Spencer was born to just get out of the house and socialize and loved it but this was my first time back with Spencer. (Of course Spencer slept for most of the time and there is very little playing at his age) The babies in this group are anywhere from 4-14 months older then Spencer but it was so nice to have other moms to relate too! And, it got me out and off of the usual routine which I LOVED! Speaking of play dates/groups! I am so super excited for Monday to come because I will be going to join other March Moms with babies Spencer's age at another playgroup that our friend Krissy has organized. So FUN!
Monday is also my six week doctors appointment from my C-section. I am hoping to get the release to work out more vigorously so I can get back to running and start swimming and cycling. My goal is to compete in a sprint triathlon this year so I have got to get moving :-) No time to waste! Not to mention, I still have baby weight to loose. I am down about 35 pounds but I still want to loose another 40!!! I was not the slimmest when I got pregnant so my hopes are to loose the baby weight and keep going! We'll see how that goes :-) With stopping breastfeeding I am sure my weight loss is going to slow significantly so exercise is going to be my saving grace.
All in all it's been a great week! I feel like each day gets a little easier and soon enough we will not remember what life was like before Spencer! I actually feel like I am enjoying each passing day more and more and that's exactly where I want to be :-)
So glad everything is going well! Sorry about the reflux....hope the meds work for the little guy! Can't wait to see ya'll!