Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Thursday, May 20, 2010

G-Y-M-B-O, G-Y-M-B-O!

MEET GYMBO (AKA kind of scary clown)

March Mommies and Babies (minus a few)

From L-R

Nancy & Dylan, Me & Spencer, Kelly & Carter, Kerri & Miles, Krissy & Nicholas, Laurie & Macey

Today Spencer and I and some of our friends did a free Gymboree Play and Learn class. It's hard when they are this age to time feedings and naps just right to make sure they want to play during the class but all in all it was a great outing for us. Spencer loved the stimulation! You might ask what you do in a Gymboree class for babies this young????????

We sang songs, gave baby massages, played with flashlights to help with eye tracking, tummy time to make the babies stronger, and even played some peek-a-boo with the big parachute. I am not so sure we will be signing up for any future classes just yet as we can do a lot of the activities at home but it certainly gave me some great ideas! Although, it was really fun being around all the other mommies and babies!! Gymboree has a Groupon special coming out on Monday so if the price is right we may jut sign up!
Here are some pics from our Gymboree class:
Spencer all ready to start his first class!
Chillin with GYMBO

All the babies playing

All tuckered out after class! Didn't even make it to the car :-)

1 comment:

  1. We had so much fun today! Thanks for setting this up ;)
