Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Crying it Out

Ugh....I hate this part of being a mommy but I do believe it is important. Right now as I write Spencer is "crying it out".

It somehow never gets easier listening to him cry. But we are going on our second week on our new schedule and we are not making much progress so I must use self restraint and do it. I have been following Moms on Call to the tee for Spencer's schedule and we have done great thus far but this transition is not going so well. I am starting to think he is just not ready for 5 feedings a day and I need to go back to the old schedule that had 6 feedings until he is. The Moms on Call schedule calls for a transition anywhere from 8-16 weeks. We are only at 10 weeks and I am starting to feel like we are just jumping the gun. Spencer slept 10 hours last night so I cannot complain and he ate at 6:45 this morning so I am letting him "cry it out" for 20 minutes until he reaches the 3 hour mark. Then, if he is not settled, we will feed every 3 hours today and go back on our old schedule tomorrow. Sigh......the joys :-)

Okay so he's still crying (breaking my heart) so it's time to go get him....3 hours it is!

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