Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Thanks to HOPE

And to all the others who "showered" me and Baby Gordon this past weekend! I know it's been a week since our trip but what a week it has been! First things first, what a great trip! It went way too fast but so worth it. It always feels good to go home no matter how short the visit! I will say the traveling wore me out! Not to mention every 10 minutes, I had to use the restroom :-) Bill was a trooper though and we just took our time. We even upgraded to business class for comfy seats. Oh, and if one more person asks me if I am having a Christmas baby...ugh! No people, I still have 12 weeks to go!!! I had nurses and doctors on both of flights inform me that it was okay if I had the baby because they would take care of me. I politely just said thanks but I have 3 more months to go!!!

The shower was so nice. It was at my sisters home in Reisterstown. From the food to the games, everything was perfect. My sister-in-law Caren had such clever ideas for games and got everyone involved. One of the games involved testing baby food and trying to guess what flavor it was! Of course all the labels were peeled off so no one could cheat! GROSS! I did not partake! But others sure did. And, I must say, it was more than amusing to watch them :-) Everyone made handmade onsies too! I will post a few below! I know Baby Gordon will love each and everyone of them and be sure to spit up on each of them the same :-)

We received so many wonderful gifts. Bill and I loved them all and sat in the baby's room when we got home going through everything again. Another ah-ha moment in our lives. Bill looked at me and said, "Oh my God, your having a baby. We are having a baby. Not another furry dog baby but a real human baby!" I just sat in silence and and nodded my head. Then I said, "yep, we are and he will be here in 12 weeks or less!" CRAZY!!!

We have been getting Mia ready for the baby too since she has been the "baby" in the family for the past 6 years. I am hoping she adjusts to her "little brother" well but I for some reason know it will not be easy. We have trained her to go to "the baby's room" and every time we spend time in there, she comes! I think she is beginning to know things are going to change but I have tried to give her as much attention as possible these days!

As great as the weekend was and as smooth as the week started we still had some baby drama as I like to call it. Very scary moment in time for us but I am happy to report baby and I are doing much better. The short version is that I had to go to labor and delivery on Tuesday night to be monitored for severe abdominal pain and cramping. The doctor wanted to make sure I was not having contractions based on the symptoms I was describing and to our surprise, I was having contractions! They gave me a shot to stop the contractions and then just monitored throughout the night. In the morning, we had another ultrasound done to check on the little one and he was doing great and no signs of labor either so I was released to go home.

We did find out that our little guy is growing fast. He was 2lb 12 ounces so just a hair bigger then the norm. I think they say at 28 weeks the norm is about 2 1/2 lbs. We also found out he is measuring 3 days ahead of schedule now!

I had to reschedule my glucose test because of my visit to labor and delivery the night before! But, I had it yesterday and I passed! I also got clearance from the doctor to travel the first week of January. Bill and I have had a trip planned with my closest friends back home. Rich and Jill and Corey and Dave. We are running the Disney Half Marathon! Well, I am not running anymore that is. We planned the trip well before I was pregnant but I am determined to go to cheer everyone on. Although the doctor said walking the parks is not the smartest, he said if I take it easy, I should be okay.

In the midst of this crazy week, we attended our first open house for a pediatrician. We really liked this practice but will keep an open mind through the end of this process. We are going to interview three practices and I am hoping by end of January we have picked our doctor.
Tomorrow is what I am waiting for! It Could not be a better end to a crazy week! Our 3D ultrasound is scheduled for Saturday morning! We will be 28 weeks and 2 days and have been told it's an excellent time to see the baby! I hope he is not shy and cooperates! I cannot wait to see his little face! Worse case, the ultrasound studio says if we can't get great pics on this visit, that I can come back the following week to try again. Saturday cannot come soon enough. I of course will post pics once we have them!!!
What can I say, we welcomed the third trimester in with a bang. No more false alarms Baby Gordon :-) We want a restful remaining 12 weeks (or less, yikes)!

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