Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Happy 2010! Let the Nesting Begin

Happy 2010 ya'll! Boy there is a lot to catch up on! First, I hope everyone had a great Holiday Season! We have had a busy 2 weeks and just got back from bringing in 2010 with great friends in the North GA mountains for our 3rd annual NYE trip! As always, we had a fabulous time and feel refreshed and ready to start the new year!

Enjoying SMORES in the fire pit out back of the cabin. YUMMY :-)

Our "Cozy Cabin" that we rented

Bill taking in the view!
Self Portrait and the view from the cabin

Me at 30 weeks! 10 to Go! Could I get any bigger?

My 30 week appointment was Wednesday before we left for the mountains. All is well. I am still measuring a little big as the doctor says but no reason for any worries. My weight gain was significant this week so I am going to be very cautious of my eating habits from here on out. I am still within normal limits but I did jump quite a bit these past two weeks. YIKES! I feel huge and look it too :-) I keep telling myself that it is all worth it in the end.

Could not resist this ad! I saw this at the doctors office the other day :-)
Before I ramble on, I just have to say once again how thankful I am for 2009 and all that has happened and I am so excited for 2010 and all that it has to bring. In just 9 1/2 weeks we will be welcoming our little boy into this world and I could not be more happy! As Bill and I prepare for the most challenging experience of our lives, we are keeping our New Years Resolution short and be good parents! Well, there is loosing that baby weight too :-) We can save that for another post! I wish all of you a very Happy and Healthy New Year!
We started 2010 off with our follow up 3D ultrasound. Baby Gordon is still breech but he did show his little face a bit more.

I like to think it started off slowly the last few weeks of December, but my nesting is in full effect now and my head is spinning with all I need to get done! Less then 70 days people! I cannot wait to meet this little boy!
So, YAY! Lots to share on this entry. Not so exciting to you but very exciting for me, we cleaned out our garage with the help of Dad and Max on Christmas. It still had many boxes in it from our move which made it near impossible to have any functionality. Now, we can actually park both SUV's in the garage! Imagine that ;-) I am loving it especially now that the weather has gotten very cold.

We also organized our storage space in the basement and hung some pictures around the house. Although, we have so much more decorating to do, I consider it a start. Besides, I have somewhat redirected my focus from home decorating to nursery decorating :-) Go figure!
Which, brings me to our most exciting home news yet! We painted the baby's room! Okay, so I have to admit, at first I hated the color (the color that I agreed upon btw) but it has grown on me in the last week. And on Tuesday, we had our baby furniture delivered! I have to be completely honest, after all my initial complaints about the color, I have to say I love it with the furniture in the room! It's looks really good and I could not be any happier! Below are some before and after shots of the room.

Now it's is decorating time! Mom is working feverishly on our window valance that will match our bedding and our bedding that we had made should be ready in just 2-3 weeks..... I think! In the meantime, nest away!

I have washed baby blankets for the hospital, and tomorrow I am going to wash Baby Gordon's "coming home from the hospital outfit" that Baba got him. I finally got my PJ's for the hospital and started to pack my bag for the big day! It's crazy how fast it is coming. Our travel system (car seat and stroller) that Bill's Aunt and Uncle's got us is on the way and then all we have to do is get it installed.

January is jammed packed. We have two more open houses with pediatricians, our birthing and breastfeeding classes, my Atlanta baby shower, wedding celebrations and how could I forget our trip to DISNEY!

We leave on Thursday for our trip to Orlando with Corey and Dave and Rich and Jill!!! This trip has been in the works for over a year now...pre pregnancy and though I am super sad I cannot run the half marathon with everyone, I am glad to be able to take this one last trip with Bill and cheer on him and my friends. I would be lying if I said, I was not nervous to travel after what happened after last trip but the doctor seems confident if I drink gallons of water and take it slow, everything will be okay.

Life is full speed ahead. I am loving the excitement of it all but am hoping for a little relaxation before the big day. I am looking into getting a pregnancy massage package and possibly enrolling in a prenatal water aerobics class thanks to a friends recommendation. I am not sure if I will fit it all in but I hope too :-)


  1. Everything looks so great! First of all, the mountain trip/cabin rental- great idea for New Year's and so fun! The 3D pictures are so cute!!! We are going on Saturday for ours and can't wait! The room looks awesome- I love the color! Is that the lightest one from the samples that you picked? It is so hard to tell when looking at paint in a small area and still haven't made up my mind about ours. I also love the furniture. Let me know where you get a prenatal massage if you end up doing one! Ok- I am rambeling, this is what happens when you can't sleep and you are on the computer at 4 am :)

  2. Hi Krissy! I am up too :-) The joys I tell ya!
    So the paint color was so hard to choose. We actaully did the darkest one of the samples believe it or not. I hated it at first as you read but once it was not just a big green room and had furniture to play down the color it looked much better. What I learned is if you like a color but it seems a little bright for your liking, the paint can be mixed at a higer percentage. So, you still get the same color but not at bright. For us, that was the 2 darker greens on the photo. Same color but mixed differently. Hope that helps ;-) I will keep you posted on the massages :-)
