Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Sunday, November 7, 2010

8 is GREAT!

Spencer turned 8 Months old last Wednesday! Where is the time going?

Spencer you make our world a better place by being part of it. Your smile is contagious and I am still in awe at how much joy and laughter you bring us and how fast you are growing up. We know we take a million pictures of you but the truth is, we would take a million more just to capture every special moment with you.

At 8 Months You (ARE)
-wearing size 12 month clothes
-wearing size 3 diapers (about to switch to size 4)
-still have itty bitty feet and wear size 2 shoes
-Have 8 teeth (5 top and 2 bottom)
-Love to sit and play with your toys
-Hate to be on your stomach and have no interest in crawling
-Roll from belly to back
-Love to stand (of course whole holding onto something)
-Saying Da-da and blabbering TONS!
-Love to scream in happiness
-Flap your arms like you are going to fly when you get excited
-Still eating solids 2-3 times day
-Tried pasta for the first time at LB's
-Using your big boy car seat facing rear
-Holding your own bottle for longer periods at each feeding
-Can pick "puffs" up and put them in your mouth
-Love Mum Mums and just the sight of the wrapper makes you nutty

1 comment:

  1. S has the most amazing hats!! 8 IS great and we're so happy to be along for the ride =)
