Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Sampling the Sippy Cup

I introduced Spencer to a sippy cup today! Not for any particular reason and with no intention of actually starting to use it just yet. Nothing was in it, just wanted to see his reaction. As a bottle fed baby he is learning to grab for his bottle when he sees it and even holds it from time to time so I did not think the cup would be to foreign to him. I was right! I place his hands on the handles of the cup and up it went to his mouth. He sucked for a bit until he realized nothing was coming out :-) Then the novelty was gone. After that, he just chewed on the handles :-)

I almost cried seeing my little guy hold that cup. God, he is growing up so quickly! We are still trying to hold off on rice cereal and solids for a bit but I am slowly stocking up on what I will need to get started. Spoons, ice trays to freeze food, bowls, and books to guide me as I plan to make a lot of the food myself in the hopes of saving some money.

I have to thank all my veteran mommy friends and even the mommies that are going through this for the first time that have given me advice on "food" as we get close to entering this stage. Everything you have shared has been so helpful. I think Spencer is ready to get started but Mommy may not be :-)

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