There is something really surreal about writing this post. Let's be honest, it's not like I did not know this day was coming. And, if you are here reading you have probably read every other "monthly" post update on Spencer. His growths stats, his new tricks, his favorite toys or songs. But today is different and I almost don't have the words to express how I am feeling (which is rare if you know me). It hit me the other night as I was preparing for Spencer's 1st birthday party and the thought has clouded my head since. It has really been a year! No denying it now! This is no ordinary party/day. My baby boy is 1 year old today!
Dear Spencer,
For the 9 long months that I carried you I would wonder what you were going to look like. What color eyes or hair you might have? I wondered how I would feel when I finally got to meet you. Would I be a good mother? Would I know just what to do? Then, 1 year ago today my life changed forever. Every answer I ever wanted was here in you. The minute I saw you Spencer there were no more questions, no more doubts, just pure love and joy. That love has guided me through this past year and every milestone that you have reached.
At 1 year you are full of life and thriving. You have a amazing personality that is shining through and are "all boy". You are crawling and cruising at lightning speed and at times it makes it hard to keep up with you. You love to climb, making stairs and park playgrounds your favorite places to hang out. You have transitioned to whole milk and sippy cups and now only have 3 sippy cups of milk a day. You are a super good eater and have 3 solid meals a day and snacks in between and I don't think you have met a food you don't like :-) Your sounds and noise "vocabulary" is growing each day and I can't wait to make sense of those great stories you tell us in your "words". You love music and even in the worst of tantrums it can bring a smile to your face. The past month has brought many changes and it is amazing how I see you "growing" each day.
Happy 1st Birthday Spencer Joshua you have blessed my world from the minute I knew we had created you. You are my sunshine that brings me joy each day. You mean the world to me and my heart grows bigger every day you are in our lives. This past year has undoubtedly been the most exciting and rewarding of my life and I have you to thank for it. May your every wish come true this year and all the years to come.
Love, Mommy
What an amazing year it has been filled with a new adventure everyday. I never thought I would be as emotional as I am right now as I think back on all the wonderful moments we had with our little man in just one year. Imagine how I will feel when he turns 10?!?!
We celebrated Spencer's Birthday with family and friends last Saturday and had a "whale of a time!" Stayed tuned for party pics :-)