Yes, that is right, we are 34 weeks and 2 days today. That brings us to 40 days left and counting! I cannot believe it!
I had my 34 week appointment on Thursday. All is well and I am measuring pretty much on target or just a few days ahead. I am feeling the baby all the time now which is wonderful compared to the last few months when I barely felt a kick. It is an amazing feeling that I am first now getting to enjoy.
My next appointment is in two weeks when I reach 36 weeks! At this appointment they are going to do an ultrasound to check the baby's size and his position. If he is still breech, we may be looking at scheduling our c-section because we have been told it is very unlikely he will turn that late in the pregnancy. It's not completely impossible but the chances are a lot slimmer. It's weird to think he will be here so soon! After 36 weeks, we will head to the doctors every week to be checked until we welcome our little guy!
Bill is a trooper these days. He has really picked up the slack around the house and helps me with whatever I need. Some days that means he even ties my shoes ;-) I could not ask for a better husband and I am lucky to have him. He is going to be a great Daddy!
As for me, I am a mess. I will list my latest ailments:
1. My back hurts
2. My wrists hurt
3. My ankles are the size of TX
4. My stomach is growing bigger by the minute
5. My headaches have come back in full force
6. I am tired
7. I am really, really tired!
8. I have mastered the waddle as I feel like I can barely walk anymore
9. I can't remember what a good night sleep feels like
10. I am tired :-)
I keep telling myself that all these ailments will pass and I will have the best gift of all. That is what keeps me going.
I am trying to stay moving despite how I feel. I actually had to miss my H2O aerobics class this past week because I was feeling under the weather but I hope to be back at it this week. Work is getting harder and harder by the day. My last day is scheduled for Feb. 26th but neither Bill nor I feel I will make it that far. We are just playing it by ear.
3 weeks until we are considered "full-term" and 6 weeks until this first part of this journey is over! I know I say it every post but I am so excited! I just cannot wait!